You Are Loved 02/16/22

I had a great Valentine’s Day, and I hope you did too. I let myself sleep in, I did my hair and makeup, I made some chocolate covered fruit, and watched a movie I love. But none of that is what made it a great Valentine’s Day. What made it a great Valentine’s Day is what makes any day a great day; the knowledge that I am loved.
God loves me and gives such great gifts. He has the best for me, and when I put my own desires aside and trust him to give me his perfect gifts, I’ve never been let down. He has provided perfectly, and I am always so grateful he didn’t just give me what I asked for. You see we have such a limited view, but he can see the whole picture. When we submit our desires to him, when we strive to align our wants with his will, then what we want changes into the things of God! As we study his word, pray, and hear His voice, then we begin to want His things. And He is faithful.
I truly hope you had a great Valentine’s Day, but not because of special gifts or flowers or chocolate. I hope you had a great day because you remembered whose you are and just how you are loved.
Many Blessings,
Pastor Sarah

2 Responses to “You Are Loved 02/16/22”

  1. Ervin Tarver says:

    A great message! How I wish the whole world could get this truth implanted in their heart and mind. If they accepted the fact that they are a VIP because of whose they are not who they are.

  2. Ervin Tarver says:

    A great message! The world would be so much better off if everyone knew that God really loves them.

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