Houston First Church of God

God is calling us to multiply as a church, so we are on a mission to be disciples of Jesus that

make disciples of Jesus, and you are a part of it!

HFC Kids - Mission and Vision

At HFC Kids, we are all about relational discipleship. We even have our vision and mission on the wall of the kids hallway: We are building young disciples through relationship! What does that look like for PS-5th grade?

We focus on connection and belonging, helping children connect with God, the Church, and friends, and finding

that they have a place to belong in God's Kingdom and their community.

We accomplish this by creating fun yet safe environments for children to play, learn, and grow! On Sundays, we have both large group and small group times for PK-5th grade, where children experience games, crafts, videos, Bible Lessons, worship, Scripture memory, and more! There are intentional games and activities to build and grow relationships with team members and friends, and content designed specifically to help them see where they fit into their family, the Church, and God's Kingdom.

We need YOU to make it all happen flawlessly! Please consider joining the HFC Kids Team. It's fun and easy!

1) We provide the curriculum digitally, so you can prep for small group time whenever it's convenient for you.

2) We provide all supplies, just check your list when you arrive at the building and gather what you might need

for that day from the cabinets in your room, the downstairs supply closet, or the upstairs resource room.

3) We provide training a few times a year to ensure all are background checked, updated on policy and procedure & safety and security, and are equipped to handle classroom management. We usually meet in a home and after a brief time of

training - it's game night! A great way to bond with your age group team and have some fun!

HFC Kids Curriculum Overview

Biblically Based


Discovery Based Learning





Hyfi Overview:

Sunday Kids Club Schedule:

Ready to Join the Team?


Email PastorSarah@hfcog.org


Fill out Background Check form(below)


Attend Training.


Observe Kids Club 1-2x.

Background Check Disclosure & Authorization

Welcome to Team HFC Kids!

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