God is calling us to multiply as a church, so we are on a mission to be disciples of Jesus that
make disciples of Jesus, and you are a part of it!
Our Vision and Mission:
God is calling us to multiply as a church, so we are on a mission to be disciples of Jesus that make disciples of Jesus, and you are a part of it!
Houston First Church of God is a non-denominational, multi-generational,
multi-cultural congregation.
We strive to be disciples who make disciples and to be a church who multiplies, building the kingdom of God. And we invite you to
be a part of it!
If the local church is the building block of the kingdom of God, then the General Assembly of the Church of God is the one mechanism that brings the whole family of churches together in the United States and Canada for the purpose of understanding the Spirit’s leading for the Movement.
Faith Promise is an exciting way to support redemptive Christian outreach beyond
the walls of HFC.
It is also a personal covenant with God expressing your intention to give a specific amount to the support of missions and links your “promise” to give with your “faith” to believe that God will provide.