Shine Jesus’ Light!

Sunday we wrapped up our last day of VBS! It was wonderful to celebrate with our whole church family! Thanks for celebrating with us! Each day at VBS, we had a Bible point:
When life feels dark, shine Jesus’ light! (John 8:12) 
When people don’t get along, shine Jesus’ light! (Romans 12:16)
When good things happen, shine Jesus’ light! (Psalm 100:1)
When people are sad, shine Jesus’ light! (John 14:1)
When people need help, shine Jesus’ light! (Matthew 5:16)
We had so much fun, making new friends, playing games, eating snacks, and learning all about shining Jesus’ light! We had 41 registered students, and 67 volunteers, the highest numbers for both we have had since returning to VBS on campus in 2021! We also had 4 first time decisions from students who gave their lives to the Lord on day 4 of VBS!! Praise the Lord!! God is SO good. He provided all we needed, and He filled any voids.
Thank you all! Thank you for praying for this event. Thank you for helping pick up set donations. Thank you for serving as station leaders and assistant leaders and crew leaders! Thank you for donating funds and purchasing supplies! You guys are amazing! We could not have done VBS without you! THANK YOU! God moved on hearts of kiddos, volunteers, and parents. Please be praying in the coming weeks as God continues to move and people continue to respond. 
Many Blessings,
Pastor Sarah

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