How Are You Inviting?

Resurrection Sunday is just 3 Sundays away! This is a season in which more people are open to being in a worship service that any other. You probably already have some people in mind that you want to invite to be part of that service with HFC. If not I would definitely encourage
you to literally write down a list of people that you want to invite and begin praying over that list everyday.
As you plan to invite these individuals I also want you to think about how you will invite them. You know they say that you have to interact with a message 7 times before you really do anything about it. So here are several ways that you can invite people to be part of the worship service on Easter Sunday.
Invite cards. You got one this past Sunday and you are going to get one each of the next two Sundays as well. We have a bunch of cards. Give them to everyone, but especially to those that you already have a relationship with.
Website. You have to check out . No seriously, do it right now! It looks amazing and it has all the info a guest would need to feel confident showing up on a Sunday morning.
A text message with a personal note and this link is a great way to invite someone!
Social media. You can find our invite videos and other Easter posts on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Share this content on your page but then also send a personal invitation to others through messenger features on each platform. (see links below)
Remember, our goal is to make disciples and it all starts with relationship. Your invitation is a great way to initiate and grow a relationship with people already around you. So how are you going to invite others to worship with HFC this Resurrection Sunday?
In Him,
Pastor Tim

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