Happy Add to Multiply

Happy Add to Multiply!

This past year has been so amazing! First, we have to celebrate 14 people who got baptized and declared to the world that they are followers of Jesus our Savior! Yet our goal is not just to make converts but to make disciples. That happens in Community Groups and in the Fall we started 2 new Community Groups engaging people who have never been connected that way. We even had one guy who got saved in his Community Group long before he ever showed up for a worship service! Praise the Lord! God is doing great things!

All of this has led to increased attendance which shows that we are adding to those who are engaging in worship and other aspects of the church. However, in 2024 I want us to look at how we can move from adding to multiplying and I think it will take following:

1. Pray. I need you to pray like you are the only one praying and the future of the church depends on those prayers. Pray for salvation. Pray for disciple making. Pray for church planting. God will respond to our desperate dependence on him through faith and we can’t hold back anymore.

2. Grow. I need you to know God’s word and how to function as a disciple maker more deeply than you ever have. Think about the multiplication that can happen if each of us is committed to pastoring the church the way that you expect me to! People in the world are motivated to get rich and to be famous. Our motivation is to lead lost people to be found and dead people back to life.

3. Go. Go build relationships with neighbors, coworkers and friends that are far from Jesus. Be intentional to go be with others who need someone to help them grow. And get ready to go wherever God might send you. Maybe he will send you to another row in the sanctuary, to another position in your Community Group, to another country with the gospel, to another career in ministry, or even to plant another church.

I hope your New Year is happy and all but I would be even happier if we could see God do the impossible through all of us as we move from adding to multiplying in 2024.

In Him,

Pastor Tim

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