Faith Promise?

The Faith Promise Plan, based on the teaching of Paul in 2 Corinthians 8-9, is summed up in the apostle’s testimony concerning the Christians at Macedonia: “For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability.” -2 Corinthians 8:3 (NIV) Faith Promise links your “promise” to give with your “faith” to believe that God will provide.
Wow! Wow! Wow! That just sums up the generosity and faithfulness in your committed giving toward Faith Promise for this year. As we ended the first quarter quarterly giving payments were made to further the work for each of these thirteen ministries.
As Disciples of Christ we are to be on mission for Him and through Faith Promise this is one way we as a church are doing just that. Supporting the work of these ministries financial is extremely vital to them, along with volunteers, prayer partners and ideally a champion for each. Many of the ministries we have long standing connections, but we would like to have a relationship with each one to truly come alongside them in the work they are doing for the Kingdom.
I’d like to invite you to look at this list of ministries and think how you would like to be involved this year. Maybe you have not committed to Faith Promise this year – that’s ok, it’s never too late. Maybe you would like to champion one of the ministries or volunteer for a project.
Let’s chat! You can reach me at 713.202.1395 or join me for “Free Coffee With Naomi” this Sunday, April 16th in the lobby at 10am.
Have a great week!
Your Sister In Christ,

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