Culture Worth Spreading

Culture is most easily defined as “the way we do things around here,” and the way we are doing thing as a church is amazing! Our culture as a church is appealing to those who haven’t been part of it before which we see in about 35 first time guests in the last 6 weeks. So what do we do with this Jesus-centered, disciple making culture?
We have to spread it. We have to send it out. We have to share this culture with those who aren’t already part of it. This is why we make disciples. This is why our vision is to multiply. The world can’t find this on their own. This kind of culture and only come through submission to God’s Holy Spirit. We have to take it to the world. We have to multiply. We have to carry the vision with us wherever we go.
And each of us have to be responsible for the culture—responsible to live, to share, and to champion it. This coming Sunday we will have a chance to share the loving culture of HFC with those who are joining us for Back to Church Sunday. Don’t wait for others to show the loving, Spirit-filled culture we have. You make the first move. Introduce yourself to someone you don’t recognize and simply ask, “How long have you worshipped with HFC?” Help others experience the love that is natural for us.
I love you church! Let’s show ‘em Jesus.
In Him,

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