Houston First Church of God

God is calling us to multiply as a church, so we are on a mission to be disciples of Jesus that

make disciples of Jesus, and you are a part of it!

We know that your first time at a new place can be stressful and awkward. However, our desire is that your first experience with Houston First Church of God will be


easy & enjoyable


Register your kids before you arrive, or even ask questions you might have now.

We can’t wait to welcome you and your family!

Plan Your Visit!

Annual Women's Christmas Brunch

December 7th

1:00 - 3:00 pm

Bring a dish to share

(no nuts and no shellfish)

David Weekly Christmas


December 14th

9 am - 11 am

Registration is required.

Registration is now closed.

A Very Merry Mystery Family Event

December 20th

5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

Fun for the WHOLE family!

Email to RSVP.




December 20th

Doors open 6:30 pm

Worship begins 7 pm

Hot chocolate bar after!

HFC Kids



"Gen Z"



Dec 29th

Join us for worship on Sunday Dec 29th and see the Christmas play our Wednesday Kids Club have been working on!

Plan Your Christmas Visit

(This is for Sunday Worship, not Christmas Village)

Welcome to HFC...

... We're glad you're here! We are excited to meet your family, and even have a free gift for first time guests.

After worship, connect with Pastor David at the welcome station to collect the free gift.

Join us for FREE Coffee...

...Our volunteer baristas will get your set up with coffee or espresso at our coffee bar, located at the back of our lobby.

Learn more

What to expect on Sunday...

...Worship begins each Sunday at 11 am; come a few minutes early to drop of kiddos at kids club at 10:30, and get settled before the service begins. 

The service will have a few songs, a message, announcements, and an opprotunity to pray. 

Dress however you are comfortable; our family is fairly casual, and jean are totally fine, but we also have some who dress up a little. Come as you are - you are welcome here. 

Learn more

Register the kids...

... We'll greet them at the Welcome Station with a sticker! 

Let us know what grade level they are in, and if there are any allergies or medical conditions we need to be aware of, so we can be sure their small group leader is ready to have them in the group. 

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