Let Me Tell You About It

This past Friday, we had our September lock-in. We had 36 students, and it was a great time for all of us. We wanted to do something that we have never done before since I became the youth pastor here at HFC. I wanted to have a youth service, but not just any worship service, one where others were in charge of leading the music, the sermon, small groups, etc.
I am happy to say that some of our young adults helped me make this possible for our students; they led worship, preached a great testimony sermon, and also helped me lead small groups. The reason why I am telling you this is not just to say they did a great job or that I feel unstoppable because we did what we said we were going to do.

God used Friday to allow our young adults to inspire, serve, and minister to our super young people. This gets me excited because God is turning things around in the lives of many, and I am not the only one God is using to do all of that. Some of our young adults are taking the discipleship training class to become part of our discipleship network (those are steps of faith). I am beyond grateful for how God is using 20-something-year olds to minister to teenagers. Only God can do that.

If you want to be part of God’s movement, send me an email at pastordavid@hfcog.org, and I will make sure you get connected with the right ministry or person. God is on the move, and he will use those willing to be used.
With love,
Pastor David

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