Love Never Fails

Do you ever feel like a failure?  Do you or people you know struggle with anxiety or depression because life feels overwhelming?  This Easter HFC is celebrating the resurrection of Jesus by focusing on the powerful truth that his love never fails.  Wouldn’t you love to encourage those that you love with Christ’s life-changing love?
Here are 3 ways that you be an agent of life change as we share with others the unfailing love of Jesus…


1. Start praying. No seriously, like right now.  Make a prayer list of people that need to hear about the unfailing love of Jesus.  Then set up a time and place that you will pray for them each day.  Pray for God to show you opportunities to invite others too.
2. Hand out invite cards. Keep a couple cards with you all the time and just hand them out as you are talking with people throughout your week.  Many people don’t trust the church but they trust you (and they don’t realize that you are the church).  Ha!
3. Share invite videos. You can find these on the HFC YouTube page (search: Houston First Church of God), on the HFC Facebook page and the HFC Facebook group.  You can share these by posting them to your page but you can also send them directly to people through email or text with a personal note of invitation.
4. Free Coffee with Naomi. This is our new next step for guests but we need you to help us test it out.  You can join Naomi in the lobby on Sunday, April 3rd at 10:00 am for free coffee and an overview of who we are as a church.


You can do this!  We can do this!  Christ can do this through all of us!  Let’s all do our part to share the life changing love of Jesus that will never fail.  I promise that your submission to God in this measure will provide fruit for you, those you are connecting with and the entire church!


In Him,

Pastor Tim.

One Response to “Love Never Fails”

  1. Sandra Elliott says:

    I stand in agreement with you Pastor Tim!! His love never fails…..I will join you in prayer and spreading the message.✝️

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