Let’s Pray!

Hey Church!
I know it feels like Christmas was just yesterday, but we’re already starting to talk about Easter with HFC. While we try to make every day a celebration of Jesus’ resurrection, Easter is special because many people will show up who don’t have a relationship with Him.
That’s why we need your help. Beyond being a vital part of our ‘invite strategy’, we need you to pray for the people God will be sending to us this Easter. We don’t want to get so caught up in planning a great experience that we neglect to pray for God’s blessing. Here are some specific areas where we’d love for you to join us in prayer:
1) Pastor Tim as he prepares the message, sets the theme, and leads our staff.
2) Pastor Sarah’s HFC Kids Leadership Team as they work with volunteers to minister to our kids this Easter and for Pastor David and his Youth Leadership team as they work with our youth!
3) For our many volunteers who will be serving during Easter and the weeks beyond.
4) For people who are far from God who will be walking through our doors this Easter. We pray especially that God will soften their hearts toward our message and that they will hear the gospel clearly and accept it.
5) For wisdom and strength to deal with any difficulties as they arise.
6) For our Connections Director, Naomi, as she organizes and rallies volunteers.
7) For JOY to fill all our hearts as we celebrate the resurrection of our Savior, Jesus!
8) For God to open the hearts of many and for them to come to know Him!
Thank you so much for praying for us! We’re looking forward to seeing how God answers these prayers in the coming weeks.
In Him,
Pastor Tim
P.S. This Wednesday, April 5th, we are having a time of prayer – Fast & Pray Wednesday – at 7 pm in the Sanctuary. We’d love to see you there and hear how God is challenging you to pray for our church and the people in our community during this season.

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