Just Another Boring Meeting?

There are four dates you need to have on your calendar. The first is the annual business meeting on Wednesday, November 8th at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary. I know… I know… Who wants to go to a boring meeting like that?
YOU DO! Trust me. This is where we are going to vote as a church on the strategy we will pursue to accomplish the Vision to Multiply through the Mission to Be Disciples that Make Disciples. The work of God’s Holy Spirit in you gets to speak into the life of the entire church as we discern together what God has for us.
Which leads to the second date which is Saturday, October 28th. From 2:00-4:00 pm we will have our HFC Vision Conference in the sanctuary. This will be a time for the staff, elders and I to share what God has done and where we think he is leading us. This is a time specifically designed for you to ask questions, gain understanding and hear the hearts of your leaders. This more informal gathering is so important because it creates space for all of us to process together what God’s Holy Spirit is leading us into.
These two dates are important because of the next two dates which are even more important: Sunday, October 15 and Sunday, November 19. On these two Sundays we will be baptizing at least six people who have recently surrendered their lives to Jesus. Here is what I need you to understand: we are baptizing these six people, and all the others who have already been baptized this year, because of the discerning work of uniting around the God’s Holy Spirit over the last couple years in our annual business meetings and the HFC Vision Conferences. These are not just boring meetings. These are spiritual moments where God lays the ground work to change lives for all of eternity.
Church, I can’t wait to be with you during these four dates on the calendar. God is doing great things and he is using each member of the body of Christ to accomplish his kingdom desires. Thank you for being a vital part of the HFC family.
In Him,
Pastor Tim

One Response to “Just Another Boring Meeting?”

  1. Ms. H. Robertson says:

    Father God b the glory & blessing Him n who He is & what He’s done & keeps showing His unconditional love, every second 25/8 for ALL who trust & depends on Him. Thank yall 1st Church. We have been Saved by the Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus. (Christianity is more than a belief system; it is a way of life) 1Corith.15:1-4

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