It’s Faith Promise Commitment Sunday!

I am so excited to see how God is going to challenge you to give to support the work of His kingdom through our Faith Promise ministries. If Faith Promise is new to you, check out Let me quickly explain here…
We encourage all those who are members of the church to give a 10% tithe of their income to help support the work of God through HFC. However, we also want to support about a dozen ministries over and above what we give with the church. Each January we pray through what God might want us to commit to give by faith to him. These funds might come to you in unexpected ways throughout the year, or they might be intentionally set aside to give. Either way, your commitment is a step of faith to give over and above what you are already giving with the church.
Last year we had the highest annual commitment that we have had in years at $40,000, and praise the Lord, we exceeded that goal in actual giving to Faith Promise! God was so faithful to provide and you were so faithful to give.
This week especially, I want to invite you to prayerfully consider what you and your family might commit to give. Maybe this is the year that you increase your commitment, or commit to give through Faith Promise for the very first time. On Sunday, there will be a Faith Promise Commitment Card on your chair in the sanctuary. During the worship service, we will have a time where you can fill out that card and turn it in; we also have an online form HERE.  Let’s pray together about how we can financially support the work of the kingdom locally, nationally and internationally through our Faith Promise giving!
Love you HFC!
Pastor Tim

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