Christmas Together – 2021

Maybe you’ve heard… Beth and I are converting an open attic space into an office.  Just this past week we had our Community Group over to our house and we were explaining what it looked like.  Eventually we just said, “Do you want to come upstairs and see it?”

This is how things go with the church too.  You can explain to people what it is like.  You can tell them about how inspiring the worship is.  You can convey the energy in the sermons.  You can describe how fun the Children’s Ministry is.  However, nothing creates a clearer picture of who we are better than experiencing it for yourself.

As I mentioned in the HFC Vision Conference, you are our invite strategy this Christmas.  We aren’t buying Facebook ads or boosting posts.  We aren’t doing a big mailer to thousands of people.  We are relying on you to invite your family, friends, neighbors and coworkers to come and see what God is doing with HFC.  Why don’t you take a few minutes to invite someone in one of the following ways?

  1. Invite Cards. This Sunday pick up as many invites as you want and hand them out to everyone you know.
  2. Invite Text Message. Send a short note in a text with the following link:  You can encourage them to get more info at  Let them know they can reach out to you with any questions.
  3. Invite on Facebook. You can share the video from the HFC Facebook Group or you can share this link:

We can tell people all day long about how good God has been to us but for people to really get it we have to ask, “Do you want to come and see it?”  As we do Christmas Together with those we invite we will see God change lives and grow his kingdom!

In Him,

Pastor Tim.

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