One Week Later

One week later.
It has been a little more than a week since our Easter/Resurrection Sunday and you might ask yourself “Now what?” Does everything go back to normal when it comes to Sunday Worship and Holy Week stuff? Well… Yes and no. Things do go back to normal, but the spirit of invitation and how involved we were does not need to go back to normal.
There are still many opportunities to celebrate the resurrection of Christ, to invite others to a worship service, to attend Wednesday night activities with HFC, to share the love of Jesus, to pray, and read your bible, to join a community group. You get the point.
Just because Easter week is over, it doesn’t mean we should stop seeking ways to strengthen our faith and relationship with Christ. Now, more than ever, we need to stand in faith as we trust God to guide our lives because your neighbors still need to hear about Jesus; people at drive-throughs and retail stores still need to know that we have a risen Savior.
After Jesus ascended to heaven, the disciples began to intentionally preach and do the kingdom’s work to ensure that anyone who didn’t know Jesus would know about Jesus. The disciples did not stop preaching and loving others. In fact, they were desperate to be used by the Holy Spirit. Now that Easter is over, what will you do to keep walking with Him as you do the kingdom’s work? I want to encourage you to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection every single day just like we did on Easter week.

With love
Pastor David.

Easter Was Amazing!

What a celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ! Thank you for inviting others to come
and experience worship with HFC. We tried really hard to clearly communicate the good news
of salvation through Jesus. However, we also know that guests are going to need people to
help them take one more step and give their cake batter to Jesus. You are so important to this
process. Make sure you are checking in with guests that you invited (even if they didn’t come)
and see how you can help them get connected with HFC.
The best next step to help people get connected to HFC is Free Coffee with Naomi this Sunday
at 10 am. This is a relaxed atmosphere with good coffee which will serve as an orientation to
who we are as a church. You can even join the guest you invited at Free Coffee with Naomi too.
The mission of our church is to make disciples, not just to have big worship services. Our follow
up with guest and helping get them connected to Free Coffee with Naomi will be the first steps
toward leading our guests to being disciples that make disciples. Please pray that we would
see great fruit with your support.

In Him,
Pastor Tim.

Pick Me!

I remember when I was younger in school and the teacher would ask a question that I knew the answer to my hand would go up so fast!  It was almost uncontrollable – my one arm would go up and the other arm would help as if to stretch it higher than the rest of the kids in the class. Then my hand would start waiving and my fingers moving and sometimes my body would shift and lean forward or I’d start to fall out of my seat…. Thinking back, I’m almost embarrassed as to how that looked. However, the excitement that I had when I knew the answer and wanted to be picked to speak was uncontainable. 

In all seriousness, I (yes, we) have the answer to any and all questions today.  Jesus is the answer!  Do we have that uncontrollable burning desire to make sure that we are heard?

As we are preparing for Easter Sunday, and celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Savior – let’s all have that same childlike uncontrollable excitement to tell others about the one who is the answer to all things, Jesus!  Have a spirit of invitation and invite others to join us for worship. He is our hope. He is Love that Never Fails!

Your sister in Christ!


Life Changer

Did you know that most people decide whether or not they will return to a building for worship in the first 10 minutes they are on campus. That is before they hear music, preaching, an altar call or thanked for coming after the worship service.
That’s right… they decide based on how they are received from the parking lot to the doors of the sanctuary. With this in mind, here are a few things you can do to help create an environment in which people would be open to having their lives changed by Jesus:
-Introduce yourself. Smile, tell them your name, shake their hand, and tell them you are glad to see them. It isn’t rocket surgery and it makes people feel so good when they aren’t ignored.
-Ask, “How long have you worshipped with HFC?” Maybe the person you are talking too has been here before but it has been awhile or maybe you just don’t know everyone. This is also a great question to transition into your story of how you got connected with HFC.
-Introduce them to someone else. Help the guest get to know the people around you. They may not have a conversation but at least they will be a bit more familiar with others and that will allow them to feel more like family quicker.
-Don’t forget to keep handing out invite cards and sharing the invite videos on Facebook and YouTube. As we are all diligent to invite and welcome people well we will be helping guests get connected to God as they feel the warmth of our loving HFC family. Thank you for being part of
the family that welcomes others well.
In Him,
Pastor Tim

Family Discipleship

This Sunday we have the privilege and joy to dedicate 5 children to the Lord! This will be a very special time for these families, as well as our congregation!

In the Church of God movement and in our congregation we practice child dedication instead of infant baptism.  In Scripture there are many examples of children being dedicated to God for His service but no examples of infants being baptized to secure eternal salvation (Samuel (1 Samuel 1:21-28), John the Baptist (Luke 1:59-63) and Jesus (Luke 2:21-24).  Baptism is a public statement of Faith and is set aside for believers who have made a conscious decision to follow Christ.


So what is the purpose of dedication?  

It is a public acknowledgment that children are a gift from God and should be offered back to Him.  It is also a commitment from the parents to raise their child in a Christian environment and set before the child a Godly example. In our congregation we believe that Family Discipleship is the key to creating that Christian Environment and Godly Example in the home.


What does that look like?

There is no, one, right way that ‘Family Discipleship’ must be done; each family will have their own culture and style, however there are a few key elements that set the foundation for successful Family Discipleship:


Discipleship is intentional. We all have heard the saying, “The best of intentions” in reference to someone desiring to do something, but not actually taking action to get it done. Family Discipleship is not going to happen on it’s own – it must be an intentional plan with actions steps to back it up.


Discipleship is relational, and the first relationships that children will experience are with their parents! Authentic relationship allows hard things to be said in love, a key part of parenting in the Spirit, am I right parents? When parents are real with their children, children come to understand that who Mom and Dad say they are in public, is the same version they see at home.


Discipleship is reproducible. This might seem odd when thinking of your young children, teens or college kiddos who are years away from marriage and starting their own families. But even as children, they are capable of leading their peers in intentional, relational discipleship. Just as you begin teaching them grandma’s special cookie recipe when they are two or three, not using kitchen appliances on their own for instance, they are still learning. Those memories will be core memories that stick with them forever. Family discipleship is the same. They will remember their parents, in the big and small moments, were authentic and real with them, pointing them to God no matter the situation. When a friend comes to them with a hurt heart, asking for answers, they will turn to what they have seen modeled.


This might seem overwhelming, but take heart! At HFC we are all family, and as such we strive to encourage, support, and resource our congregation! Pastor David and I have TONS of resources available to our families that are simple and easy to use. They can be found on the website at . We are always available to help answer questions you have because we want to partner with you and equip you to disciple your family well.


Many Blessings,

Pastor Sarah







Love Never Fails

Do you ever feel like a failure?  Do you or people you know struggle with anxiety or depression because life feels overwhelming?  This Easter HFC is celebrating the resurrection of Jesus by focusing on the powerful truth that his love never fails.  Wouldn’t you love to encourage those that you love with Christ’s life-changing love?
Here are 3 ways that you be an agent of life change as we share with others the unfailing love of Jesus…


1. Start praying. No seriously, like right now.  Make a prayer list of people that need to hear about the unfailing love of Jesus.  Then set up a time and place that you will pray for them each day.  Pray for God to show you opportunities to invite others too.
2. Hand out invite cards. Keep a couple cards with you all the time and just hand them out as you are talking with people throughout your week.  Many people don’t trust the church but they trust you (and they don’t realize that you are the church).  Ha!
3. Share invite videos. You can find these on the HFC YouTube page (search: Houston First Church of God), on the HFC Facebook page and the HFC Facebook group.  You can share these by posting them to your page but you can also send them directly to people through email or text with a personal note of invitation.
4. Free Coffee with Naomi. This is our new next step for guests but we need you to help us test it out.  You can join Naomi in the lobby on Sunday, April 3rd at 10:00 am for free coffee and an overview of who we are as a church.


You can do this!  We can do this!  Christ can do this through all of us!  Let’s all do our part to share the life changing love of Jesus that will never fail.  I promise that your submission to God in this measure will provide fruit for you, those you are connecting with and the entire church!


In Him,

Pastor Tim.

We Made It

Hey church Fam! We are officially in We Serve Week 2022; How exciting! If you already signed up to serve in one or more projects that is awesome! Make sure to pray, pray, and pray because this is a great opportunity for you to serve and minister to those who will be around you. Do not miss any opportunity to share and pray with people; also do not forget to tell them that they are loved and not alone!

If you haven’t signed up for any projects yet there is still time to do so. Make sure to go to for all the information about We Serve week. Trust me when I say that we can find a place for you to serve, even if you are not able to do any physical work you can be part of our Prayer Support Team and even part of our Encouragement Team. “We have a place for you”.

Also, as an update for We Serve Week the HOA Landscaping project has been rescheduled for a later date by the HOA community due to some renovations happening this weekend but you can still serve Saturday March 19 at Home of Amazing Grace. Please contact our Connections Director Naomi Dingle at and she will be able to answer your questions about our Home of Amazing Grace project.

Church, remember that as the Church we need to be the hands and feet of Jesus. There is no better place to serve than going out to the community. Our elders and staff are praying that you will have great opportunities to serve and minister to people. Do not forget to take lots of pictures and videos when you go and serve and definitely do not forget to tag @HoustonFirstChurchOfGod when you upload those pictures to your social media.
Pastor David

Invite To Serve

“We Serve” week is next week and I’m so excited for all the ways we are going to come together to serve our community and share the love of Jesus in words and actions.  And realize that this is a great opportunity to invite others to join in. 


People like feeling like they are making a difference.  We all like feeling like we are making a positive impact on the world.  So let’s invite others to make a difference with us.  The people we invite don’t have to be part of the church or even know Jesus.  These service opportunities are a great environment to tell people why we serve.


In Matthew 20 Jesus said, “the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”  We don’t serve just because it is nice.  No, We Serve because Jesus set an example for his disciples.  Let’s influence the world with the kingdom of God as we put all that we have learned from the Bible into practice.  Not only will it impact the people We Serve but it will also impact the people we invite to serve with us.


In Him,

Pastor Tim.

Poured Out For Christ

On this Fast and Pray Wednesday I’m reflecting on this past weekend’s Women’s Retreat – one of the sessions that hit home for me was “Joy in the Offering – Rejoicing and Being Poured Out for Christ”.  How fitting just last night in Community Group we discussed how we can truly find the life that God desires for us to live when we lose control of ourselves.
Philippians 2: 17-18
But I will rejoice even if I lose my life, pouring it out like a liquid offering to God, just like your faithful service is an offering to God.  And I want all of you to share that joy.  Yes, you should rejoice, and I will share in your joy.
Mathew 16: 24-26
The Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.  For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will find it.  What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?
Father God, we praise You for who You are – You are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and You are faithful.  We praise You that we have the privilege of serving You.  We pray that You would help us to find joy in pouring out ourselves to You and giving up control of our lives to find the life You want for us.  In Jesus’ name, amen.
Your Sister In Christ,

Vision Conference Follow Up

Last year you did two things that haven’t been done since I have been Pastoring HFC.  First, in November you committed $40,000 to building improvements to update the building in some very strategic ways.  Then in December you finished out our Faith Promise year by giving about 33% more than we had budgeted to receive—$10,000 more!  Now in January 2022 you have pledged $43,000 for Faith Promise.  That’s an $11,000 increase from last year!


We will keep you posted on how we are able to invest in vital ministries through Faith Promise throughout the year but I want to give you a special update on the building improvements face to face.  So I’m inviting you to the HFC Vision Conference Follow Up this Wednesday, February 23rd in the Hospitality Room at 7:00 pm.  We will get to talk more about the new paint, new coffee station, building repairs, and the new lift.


We really need you there because part of what we have to discuss is money.  The paint cost was a lot more than we expected and I want to talk with you about how we should continue in light of the additional cost.  Don’t worry, we didn’t spend more than the $40,000 approved at the annual business meeting, but there is still so much more to be done, and we want your input.


Depending on how discussions go we may need to meet again for a vote so we are announcing now a Special Called Business Meeting for Wednesday, March 9th at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary.  If you already registered for the meeting in November you don’t need to register again.  However, if you didn’t register then please do so this Sunday.


I can’t wait to share all the exciting news with you!


In Him,

Pastor Tim.
