You’re Invited!

Summer for community groups is a perfect time for fun, fellowship, rest, and yes, even training and preparing for the fall. It looks different for everyone and can also be an overlapping of all of the above.
On Wednesday nights at The Gathering we have been going through the HFC Family Series. The mission of HFC is to be disciples that make disciples. A disciple is someone who knows and follows Christ, is being changed by Christ, and is committed to the mission of Christ. Understanding our mission, vision, who we are and what we believe is important as we are on mission unified.
We have been able to see how the HFC Family Series and the real-life discipleship training go hand in hand and how it all ties back to scripture. (Matthew 4:19, Matthew 28: 18-20)
This week of real-life discipleship speaks to taking a closer look at relational environment. Our group discussed how we, as a group, create a relational environment as we prepare for the kick off of fall community groups and the anticipation of new members not connected to HFC.
Authentic relationships, mutual accountability and encouragement, as well as a safe relational environment are essential for community groups to pave the way for learning about God and His Word. Small group size is intentional so that everyone can participate and we can shepherd disciples and each other well.
Discussion have been rich and I could go on and on, but it’s not the same as if you were there…. So you are invited! Send me an email and I’ll help to get you connected!
Your sister in Christ,

IYC 2022

Our youth ministry along side with Iglesia’s youth group attended IYC 2022 at San Antonio and we had a blast. Although all the adult volunteers and chaperones are exhausted and still recovering, I believe it was worth it. New friendships were made, moments were created, we had opportunities to hear from God, and we ate together every single day but most importantly, we grew as a group.
The conferences were awesome, the music was phenomenal, the food Miss Eunice cooked for us was delicious and not to mention Rudy Paul always found a way to make things work for us, but the one thing everyone needed was to share their life experiences, hear from someone else what God is doing in their lives and ride in a vehicle together for 4 hours to introduce themselves to whomever is sitting next to them.
IYC might be over but our students still need people praying for them. They still need to hear encouragement from someone. They need to be connected to a youth group to be surrounded by people their own age who also are trying their best to follow God. I need you to always remind our students to never give up, to always stay connected, to put God first no matter what. 
We need to invest in the next generation (AKA our students). We as adults need to be ready to pass the baton but we also need to equip, love, mentor and disciple our students here and now, before we pass the baton. 
With love, Pastor David.

Celebrating God’s Greatness!

This week we learned 5 key points at Monumental VBS:


God loves me no matter what.

God is with me everywhere.

God is in charge.

God is stronger than anything.

God is surprising.

When broken down to the basics, it seems very simple. But somehow as adults, we tend to complicate things. God’s greatness is worth celebrating, even in the simple everyday things! As I prepped for VBS, I could have submitted to the spirit of fear, or ‘what if’, but I chose instead to submit to the Holy Spirit. I leaned into the key truths that I would soon be teaching our own kiddos and their friends. They say you cannot really teach a subject until you fully understand it yourself, so I had to put these key points into practice more and more as the VBS week approached.
As we came closer to the start of VBS week and still had many volunteer needs, I trusted that God would provide. We had a few set backs as we had some key volunteers who needed to step back for various reasons, but I kept trusting that God was in control, and that He would provide, and He did! A few days before VBS was to start we had several key roles filled in surprising ways and volunteers asking how they could help! Then by the end of the week, we had MORE than enough volunteers. I had people asking, where can I serve? And I didn’t have a specific place to tell them to go! Every station had more than enough help! Praise God!
Church, we need to remember that God is great and His greatness is worthy to be praised! Even in the small things. Especially in the small things! Let’s Celebrate God’s Greatness together today, and tomorrow and every day after that. We can keep reminding ourselves of his truths: God loves me. He is with me. He is in control. He is stronger than the enemy trying to defeat me. He is going to provide in some amazing surprising ways! Let’s be sure to encourage others around us with these key truths as well. How could you encourage someone in your circle with one of the key points from VBS?  
-Many Blessings
Pastor Sarah

Fear and Faith

Can faith and fear co-exist? In my opinion, yes. Let me explain how this has played out in my
It feels like my entire adult life has been ruled by fear and anxiety. Throw in an occasional
panic attack and some mild bouts of depression and life was/is challenging at times. However,
these are the very things that have driven me to my knees and God’s word. He has healed me
of so much anxiety. Have all of these things disappeared? No, and that is okay if that is what it
takes to keep me relying on Him.
In day to day life fear and faith exist together quit often. For example, when I get in my car I
am very scared of the other drivers on the road. Yet, I still drive and have faith I will eventually
arrive safely to my destination.
I am extremely afraid of heights. God has not asked me to climb any physical mountains-so,
don’t even ask! He has, however, called us to make disciples.
The call to disciple making has stretched me in so many ways. I am naturally an introvert.
Small talk and putting myself out there are not my forte. Yet God is gently nudging me to step
out of my comfort zone. As I do so, faith becomes stronger than fear.
Obeying-in spite of any fears-is a step of faith. So, yes, I think faith and fear can co-exist.
Elder Melodie Erwin

Keep Your Head on a Swivel

This physical world is filled with danger. Jesus even promised us that: “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Anyone who has driven on a freeway or played dodgeball or watched toddlers can agree that being constantly watchful is not only necessary but critical for survival and protection. Looking straight ahead with an unrealistic expectation of quiet, calm order will soon lead to consequences from a lack of preparedness. The military phrase “keep your head on a swivel” implies the fact that danger often lurks outside our intended line of vision. We must be always watchful and cautious in all situations.
This truth not only applies to this physical world but to our spiritual world as well. “Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). But HALLELUJAH! We are not left alone to defend ourselves against this enemy. Ephesians 6:14-18 gives us a list of the arsenal we can access to be prepared to fight. When we intentionally put on the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of readiness, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, we are ready to “stay alert and be persistent in [our] prayers for all believers everywhere” (18).
No matter how prepared we may be in the physical world, we are not promised complete protection from danger. But we can count on the assurance of the Holy Spirit’s protection of our spiritual souls for all eternity.
Stay safe out there, and keep your head on a swivel.
Elder Joe Hall

Are You A Poser?

Romans 12:2 says in the Good News version, ” Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God-what is good and is pleasing to Him and is perfect”.
As I was growing up, the word “poser” was used a lot. What is a poser? A poser is a slang term for someone trying to be something or someone they are not. No one wanted to be something that wasn’t real, yet no one really was who they were. We all wanted to be something or someone, other than who we were, something better or someone tougher…like motorcycle riders. As most of you know I REALLY like motorcycles and REALLY enjoy riding them. There are two types of riders, people who just ride occasionally and enjoy the experience and camaraderie. They do not make any more of it than that. They ride the dressers and the Gold Wings and the Metric bikes, with all the latest gadgets. But then there are riders that try to act like a hard-core Biker. They run out and buy a big bike and throw on a worn leather jacket that they bought pre worn from a cycle shop. They ride like a crazed maniac since they think it makes one “look bad.”. But the first sign of rain, they have to run and get their bike into the garage, so it doesn’t get dirty and really who wants to get wet?
On the other hand, there are those that ride just because that is just the way it is supposed to be. When the physical and emotional pains of life get heavy, they jump on their ride and just head down the “white line” and within minutes, the chaos is gone and the peace returns. I am a mix of both those riders. Being a Biker is not about jumping on a Harley (in my case, a VX1800), or being wild and acting like a maniac. It is not what you wear or the colors you wave, looking tough. It’s a mindset. It is a spirit of freedom one gets from riding a bike and enjoying life to the fullest.
What makes you a Christian? Is it the church you attend? Is it how nice you dress and the size of your bible? Or is it the Spirit of your freedom from your salvation and enjoying every day to its fullest in a new life in Christ? 
Why do posers pretend to be bikers? Because they want to be like them. Because they feel that bikers have something in their life. In the same way, people should see that we as Christians have something different in our lives which causes them to want to obtain it.
Just like the riders that wear the leather coat and put on the dew rag and jump on their weekend bike so that they can feel like they are a Biker, a lot of people think that they are a Christian, but deep down they know that they are not living like one but rather they are living just like the rest of the world. They are just being a Poser! I say this because I know it is a fact. I have even caught myself falling into this trap.
Being a Christian is like being a true Biker, it’s not what you wear or where you go to church, but it is how you live your life. This includes how you live your public life AND your private life because God will see both and He is your judge. All too often, we say that we are a Christian, but then we are ensnared by the worldly pleasures (money, sex pride greed etc.) and then our witness is tarnished. Even if we think no one notices. Are you a Poser, wanting to be a Christian but not living the life of a Christian?  Something has to happen on the inside of you, a transformation from a Poser to a Child of God. We here at HFC have people ready to help you go from being a Poser to a real-life Child of God! Will you come and join us this Sunday? We would love to meet with you and help you with the transformation!
Elder Charlie Flanagan

The Heavens Declare

Psalm 19:1-6
1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
    the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2  Day after day they pour forth speech;
    night after night they reveal knowledge.
3  They have no speech, they use no words;
    no sound is heard from them.
4  Yet their voice [b]  goes out into all the earth,
    their words to the ends of the world.
In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun.
5      It is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber,
    like a champion rejoicing to run his course.
6  It rises at one end of the heavens
    and makes its circuit to the other;
    nothing is deprived of its warmth.
Those who know me know that I am insanely into astronomy. Anything that has to do with outer space, galaxies, planets, etc. I am fascinated with. I went as far as to earn a Master of Science in Astronomy and now I get to use the knowledge gained for this, along with all the other experiences, in my day job.
We recently had a spectacular total lunar eclipse. This was the 14th total lunar eclipse that I have seen. Such events are amazing to watch over several hours as the Moon transforms from a brilliant white disk to a frosty Christmas ornament set among the stars. The sky and the surroundings grow dark until the total eclipse starts, then it is like a moonless night with only a ruddy ghost of a moon shining overhead.
The universe is full of amazing examples of God’s creation, and all of it work together in such a way that it takes much more faith to believe that it all came from random blind chance events than from the hand of an intelligent Creator. The diversity within our solar system and galaxy alone is overwhelming: no two planets, asteroids, comets, stars, celestial clouds, star clusters, or even lunar eclipse events are exactly alike. And this created pattern extends to the farthest reaches of the universe, unseen only to the Creator Himself and, in these last days, our curious telescopic eyes.
Consider the works of God’s hands, not only in crafting together a universe fit to support life on Earth, but the work of these same hands to craft together your purpose on this one habitable planet we are most familiar with. God is still in the business of creating wonderful things, particularly in the lives of His children.
Be blessed, y’all!
Elder Brian Cudnik

You Are Ready

Are you ready? 
The year was 1973, I was a 20-year-old wife of an army soldier at Ft. Knox Kentucky and received a call to be the first female vehicle dispatcher on the base. Little did I know that I had to be able to drive a truck which was a standard transmission, 10 ton, large, long, and an expensive piece of equipment known as the Red Ball, ready to go at a moment’s notice. Scary right? Although I was breaking barriers with this position- as a terrified woman reporting up through the civil service chain of command, breaking barriers wasn’t my intent. And yet, I did so anyway.  
In 2018, I was called to be an elder at HFC. Again, I wasn’t interested in breaking down barriers and yet I understood that I was to be the first female elder in this congregation. I don’t know which event was more terrifying to me, driving that 10-ton truck and the high-ranking Army officers or sitting on a board of elders. However, both scenarios have a common theme. I didn’t feel ready. This time, saying no to God didn’t seem like the best option.
Although I can drive a standard vehicle, I wasn’t ready to drive that monster truck without wrecking it. Although I have sat on boards and councils before, I wasn’t ready for the tremendous change in the way we do things due to Covid.  
“Was I ready?” 
No, I wasn’t. But was I willing to follow God’s call.  
When the Lord called Samuel, in 1 Samuel 3:10, Samuel did not know what God was calling him to do yet he said to God, “Speak now, for your servant is listening.” It took four times for Samuel to know the voice of the Lord. 
First – I must know the voice of the Lord. Second, I must say yes to Him. Third, He knows what He is calling me to do, and equips me for his purpose. 
Listen for the call. When He calls, He equips.  
You are ready, 
Cindy Moore

Always Enough

This past week we celebrated Mother’s Day, which brings many different emotions up for different people. We processed that together and it was powerful. I thought of all the many many ways that moms serve, often behind the scenes and often unnoticed. As I was driving into work the next day, I heard an interesting phrase on the local Christian radio, “Mundane Miracles”. The speaker was presenting the idea that we often miss the ‘mundane miracles’ that God performs around us every day. They gave examples such as waking up this morning, a job that provides income for their family, the roof over their head, shoes that fit well and get them where they need to go, etc. The small every day things that we often overlook, become used to, or don’t regularly appreciate. When I begin to add them up, I lose count very quickly. One way I have grown my awareness of God’s provision in my life is something my friend Larissa aka “GR8TFUL CHICK” of does and encourages others to do as well; list 3 things you are grateful everyday.  It’s simple, but very powerful. Church, may we never miss the ‘mundane’ miracles that God is doing every day! Look for them, and thank Him for them! He is ALWAYS ENOUGH.
Many Blessings,
Pastor Sarah

Mother’s Day is Here

This week we will celebrate Mother’s Day together and we tend to see two things on Mother’s Day. First, this will be another week in which we see a number of guests so let’s show them the love of God through HFC. It starts with handing out invite cards but most importantly, we want to welcome people well on that Sunday.
Second, we usually see a range of emotions with Mother’s Day. In fact, some people actually avoid worship because it is Mother’s Day. However, we want to come together as the HFC family that we are and simply love on everyone no matter how that day might make them feel. We will celebrate, grieve, rejoice and support each other because that is what God calls the church to do.
No matter how we feel, we know that God is Always Enough to help us, encourage us, and motivate us into his will for our lives. I can’t wait to see how God is going to work through each of us in these days to come. Find even more information at
In Him,
Pastor Tim
