October is Pastor Appreciation Month!

Hebrews 13:7
Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God.
Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith.
John 13:34-35
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. 
By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.
October is Pastor Appreciation month and we want to show our love and appreciation to Pastor Tim, Pastor David and Pastor Sarah for all their love, hard work and dedication.
We are putting together a video and want you to be a part of it…. Be thinking now of a few words of encouragement for the pastors and when you see me, let me know you are ready and I will record your message! Please just come on up to me when you are ready anytime! Just like this one HERE!
Each Sunday in October there will be a table in the sanctuary with a place for cards and gifts. We will also have blank cards available for you to write a note to them.
The last Sunday of October the elders are hosting a reception after service with cake and punch just before the second opportunity to attend the HFC Vision Conference session. We’d love for you stay and celebrate our Pastors!
There are so many fun and great ideas on how to show appreciation from sending a text, email, asking them out for coffee or lunch, or as a community group you could all pitch in to give their family a fun night out or some fun outing such as museum passes or tickets to I-fly! There are so many fun things to do around Houston!
Help us make this month special for them – here are a few ideas on what they like:
Pastor Tim would enjoy and feel appreciated with gift cards to The Cuppo Coffee, Smoothie KIng, or a generic gift card to be used toward new shoes picked out by HFC young adults.
Pastor Sarah would love giftcards to any of these: Amazon, First Watch, Sweet Greens or MOD Pizza. She does not need any home goods such as hand towels, coffee mugs, candles, or decor.
Pastor David would feel appreciated with any generic gift cards or any food place you would want him to try!
If you have any questions or need help with an idea, I’m happy to help!
Your sister in Christ!

Excited for the HFC Vision Conference 2022

Do you remember you biggest takeaway from the HFC Vision Conference in 2021? Last year was the first time that we gathered together before the annual business meeting in order to celebrate all God had been doing and to discuss how we might all move forward together.
On Friday, October 28th and Sunday, October 30th we will host identical gathering times in which we will do even more of the same. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to participate, so just pick the time that works best for you. Each meeting will present all the information, testimonies, times for discussion and opportunities for questions.
Want to know what we are going to talk about? I can’t put everything here but it will include an update on the building improvements, vision to multiply and your thoughts and input. Of course ballot and budget considerations that we will vote on in the annual business meeting will come
up as well.
Even with all this planned it won’t be great unless you are there! Plan now to attend either on Friday, October 28th or Sunday, October 30th.
In Him,
Pastor Tim

Fake or Real?

We are living in tricky times. Christians are no longer allowed in schools unless they undergo a long process and even after completing whatever requirements the school has, Christians cannot express their faith freely to the students, if they do, they will be banned from school grounds.
Students nowadays are depressed and anxious because they have to act like they have it figured out when in reality, they don’t. They have questions that they are not willing to ask for fear of being canceled, ignored by their friends and those around them.
Students are longing for real and authentic relationships; they know what “fake” looks like because they see that everyday on the internet. Students nowadays do not care whether we have the latest tech, or how big our church building is . What they really want is someone willing to listen and someone that is willing to find the answers with them and not for them.
Jesus was not afraid to be authentic and vulnerable with the people around him or new people he encountered along the way. We can follow his example as we try to disciple the next generation, if we do not reach those kids for Jesus, then Satan will. It is time for the church to stand and fight for the next and current generations; let’s equip them together.
I would love to talk more about this topic with you and help you find your next disciple.

With love,
Pastor David

What is RESET Sunday?

Have you ever felt like life was living you? You weren’t living life. You didn’t seem to be in control. Life was telling you what you needed to do, who you needed to be with, what you had to spend money on and what was most important. It’s like your time seemed to belong to everyone except you and you didn’t know how to get out of the rut.
You are not alone. The good news is that as part of the church we have each other and the Holy Spirit to help us get things right. The bad news is that people who aren’t part of the church don’t.
RESET Sunday is designed to change all that. RESET Sunday is when you can invite those who aren’t part of the church to hear about how they can get out of their ruts and into new rhythms that will help them experience all of the fruit of God’s Holy Spirit.
You can invite people with the invite cards you received on Sunday. You will get more this coming Sunday as well. You can also message people the link to the invite videos on both YouTube and Facebook. The links for both of those pages is below.
This is a great time for a RESET. Let’s help others get RESET with the Lord as well.
In Him,
Pastor Tim

High Five!

On August 22nd Bane Elementary students went back to school and we were on campus that morning! It was so great to be able to start the school year off with the students, teachers, and staff! Our team stood at the front and back doors receiving kiddos off the buses and car riders. We had these obnoxious bright blue foam hands, and were calling out “Welcome Back”, and “Have A Great Day” and high fiving each student. We truly went over the top and made sure to hype the kiddos up for the first day.
It was really amazing to see how their whole demeanor changed. Kiddos who had an anxious furrowed brow, were suddenly beaming, running over to give a high five and head into school. Parents who were worried about their kids drove away with a big smile knowing their child’s anxiety had melted away. Teachers who were nervous, tired, or rushing around with the first day to do lists stopped to introduce themselves, ask why we would get up so early on a Monday, and to say thanks for being there. What a difference that moment made on their day – with just a quick smile and a high five.
On September 18th, we will RESET and get things back to where they need to be. We anticipate many first time guests. Guests who might feel anxious about returning to, or visiting, the church. Guests who might have kiddos they are dropping off in nursery for the first time. Guests who might need a warm welcome, a smile, a word of encouragement to help their anxiety fade away.
There are so many ways that you can help us ‘high five’ on RESET Sunday: parking lot attendants, front door greeters, handing out stickers to kids, welcome and coffee stations, and SO much more! Be thinking of how you can help HFC love our guests well as we invite the community to join us for RESET Sunday! For more information, visit hfcog.org/RESET
Many Blessings,
Pastor Sarah

Life Reset

Last week my kids went back to school and I feel like a new man! My schedule is back to what I’m used to and I feel like I’m already so much more productive. But it isn’t just back to school. Summer vacations are over along with all the travel that goes with them. This is a time of year when most of us RESET our lives back to what is normal.
During this time we want to help people RESET to a new normal—a normal that include the church, Christ and new life in him. On Sunday, September 18 we are starting RESET. For three weeks we are going to look at how we can RESET our hearts, our purpose and our priorities.
This time is specifically designed for the church to reach out to and connect with people who are not already connected with the church. It could even be a great time for us to invite others back to church that haven’t been with us for awhile.
We are going to resource you to invite your friends, family, coworkers and neighbors but for now I need you to start praying. Pray about who you should invite to be with us for worship or even in your Community Group. Ask God to show you people and opportunities to help other RESET
their lives with Christ.
In Him,
Pastor Tim

Your Reward Is In Heaven

August is Volunteer Appreciation Month! HFC enjoys “loving on” our volunteers and we appreciate the time, effort, energy and resources you put into your volunteer roles to further the kingdom, together as one, as the church body – it takes all of us!  
1 Corinthians 12: 21 – 26 
21 The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need you!” 22 On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, 23 and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat
with special honor. And the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty, 24 while our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it, 25 so that there should be
no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. 26 If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.
God has put the body together – he has brought each of us here to HFC to be a part of this church body and together as we work and volunteer together we will glorify Him in all that we do.
During the month we like to spotlight different ministry areas, write thank you notes, and celebrate the last Sunday after worship with a VIP volunteer party. Check out the VIP Invite here. While this is a way that we like to show appreciation – the ultimate appreciation and recognition is from our Father.  
Matthew 5: 12
Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven
We can’t thank you enough for all that you do! Just know – you are much loved, and appreciated!
Your Sister In Christ,
Naomi J. Dingle

Love Deeply with Open Hands

This past weekend Naomi and I led a Community Group Leader Training with about 25 people. It was a great time to learn from each other and share our lives with each other. It was actually a great example of the Gospel Paradox I’ve been preaching about. 
On one hand, we were able to be transparent and vulnerable with each other. We formed tighter relationships than we had before and we want to spend more time together. 
At the same time we also recognize that we have to hold those relationships in open hands before the Lord. After all, the goal of all our groups is to multiply—to send. 
Build relationship, love deeply, equip for disciple making, send out with open hands, start over. In some ways it doesn’t make sense but this is exactly the example Jesus gave us. As Ruben reminded me after service, when our hands are open before the Lord they will never be empty. 
In Him,
Pastor Tim 

Did You Forget?

Have you ever forgotten to do something in your to do list? Have you ever forgotten to text your kids, parents or spouse? Or maybe you forgot to buy the ranch dressing for your salad like I did the other day. I am here to remind you that Jesus did not forget about you or me, know that He will never forget us.
I want to remind you about a few things, Community Group Leadership Training is happening this Friday from 6pm to 9pm and Saturday from 9am to 3pm. Even if you are just curious about Community Groups you should attend this training. RSVP to Ms Naomi HERE.
We also have an Amazon wish list for our high school students in case they need school supplies. We would love your help filling those needs for our students; the amazon list link can be found HERE.
And lastly, August is Volunteer Appreciation Month so I want to say thank you for serving this past year. We didn’t forget how awesome you are for volunteering and I just want to say thank you. Check out our Appreciation Theme “VIP” HERE.
When you are my age you start forgetting many things, that’s why it is important to set reminders about our spiritual lives and habits whether they are digital or just writing it down on a piece of paper that you can hang on your fridge door. Let’s never forget to pray for each other and to give your all to God.
With love,
Pastor David

You CAN Do It!

Last weekend my 16 year old God-daughter came to stay with me for a few nights. I looked up ideas on fun summer activities we could do – water parks, float the Texas shaped lazy river, cool new restaurants, a trip to Round Top… I had SO many ideas and trying to narrow down a few she’d like best had my head spinning. I was even checking out social media, and trying to understand the lingo the kids use these days. I had so many ideas and thoughts and plans and… she didn’t really want any of that. She asked if we could just spend time together at my house, watching movies and ordering in a pizza. Simple. Easy. Relaxed. 
I had WAY over planned and had myself all worked up trying to figure out how to entertain her when all she really wanted was some uninterrupted quality time. It was a great visit and we really enjoyed watching movies and chilling together. After a busy summer season, it’s what we both really needed. 
Discipleship might seem like a big new concept. You might feel overwhelmed, underprepared and confused on the lingo. But it’s really simple, easy, and relaxed. This summer we have spent our time learning to be effective disciple-makers in our Community Groups. We’ve learned a common language by using the same book and processing the material together while gathered around the table with some food. Simple. Easy. Relaxed. You don’t need a degree in theology. You don’t need to be a pastor. You don’t need a bunch of books and articles. You just need a relationship with God and a relational environment. And while it isn’t necessary, food is always a good idea!
There are a few ways you can join as we strive to be Disciples Making Disciples. First, you can join a Community Group! We will be launching fall groups the first Sunday of September. There are many that meet at different days and times throughout the week, so you can choose the one that works best for your schedule. The Community Groups page will be updated regularly as we confirm groups, so be checking throughout August!
Maybe you are already a regular at a weekly Community Group? Maybe you are ready to be a part of the Community Group Leadership Team by Hosting, Leading, Apprenticing, or Coaching! We are having a Community Group Leadership Training Aug 5-6. Put the date down and plan on attending if you are currently in one of these roles, or are interested in one of them. This is a vital training that all current leadership will be attending, and we’d like to invite you to come learn with us!
Discipleship can be very complicated in you let it. But at it’s core it’s simple, easy and relaxed. Come join the family and we can take the journey together! You CAN do it – and we can help.
Many Blessings,
Passtor Sarah
