It’s Not About Me

Youth Camp 2023 was absolutely an amazing experience. While I was excited to be going with 3 of the young ladies from HFC, I started to question saying yes as I was packing; was I the right person? Could I really do this? Packing for camp when I was twelve versus packing for youth camp at forty-eight was quite a bit different. I remember “younger Naomi” just throwing some clothes in a bag and barely remembering the other suggested items on the packing list if at all. This time around, the items in my bags reflected all the what if scenarios I imagined in addition to what I needed. The trunk of Gracie (my car) was about ½ full before anyone else added their stuff. I have learned over the years how to pack things well and we made it all work with a little room to spare.
Over the 5 days we had combined worship, breakout sessions, games, meals, & quiet time. We got to know each other a bit better, but more importantly experience God in a way we never have before and grow closer to him. The youth at camp (not just our HFC youth) need the Lord, in a big way. I was able to talk with youth that are hurting and longing for love, acceptance, and truth. Our God is exactly who they need in their lives, and they are open to having a relationship with him. We (you and I) need to do everything we can to demonstrate the love of Christ so that they see a better and different way.
I’m so glad I trusted God in going to camp. He gave me exactly what I needed, exactly when I needed it for His glory and honor. It is not about me (us), it is all about others and most differently about Him! This week in addition to praying for VBS, please pray for the youth.
Your Sister In Christ,
Naomi J. Dingle

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